
Next Steps

Find the Solution that works in your setting

Based on the volume of PsychScan tests and the functionality desired there are three implementation tiers outlined below, that can be configured to meet your needs. You can start in Tier 1 or Tier 2 and move up when ready. Costs are billed monthly based on the number of PsychScan tests completed in the prior month. PsychScan tests can typically be reimbursed along with being justified by time savings and higher quality care.

Tier 1  Cloud-Based

Cloud-Based implementation is simple and easy using a single global link for your clinic to start and administer a PsychScan test. The link can be posted on your website or sent to a client via email or SMS text. When the test is completed you receive a secure email giving you access to a portal where you can view and download all of your clinic's completed PsychScan tests. In small quantities the cost is $2.99 per PsychScan test completed and there is no charge for the first month of use. It's risk-free and easy to try PsychScan in your setting. Sign up and get started now.

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Tier 2  On-Demand Apps

On-Demand Apps are a great way to handle larger volumes of PsychScan usage. Apps enable both remote testing via links in emails and SMS texts, as well as on-site testing using tablets and kiosks in your clinic. Rather than using a single global link for your entire clinic like Tier 1 implementations, in Tier 2, client profiles are managed individually enabling initiation of a test for a specific client, as well as tracking of individual results showing progress over time.

The apps that can be deployed are PTI Frontdesk, PTI Office and PTI Report Station and will require your IT group to approve, download and install. PTI Front Desk is used to manage profiles and registries, initiate PsychScan tests for individual clients and view individual PsychScan results. PTI Office can be installed on a tablet or kiosk to administer PsychScan locally and PTI Report Station can be used to automatically download result PDF reports, potentially manually importing them into your EMR. We will need to have a discussion with you to figure out what combination of apps will work best for your organization, potentially implementing across multiple clinic locations. Request a quote to get started.

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Tier 3  EMR Integrated

EMR integration automates the functionality provided when using Tier 2 apps, moving profile management into your EMR integrated with your other clinical processes. Scheduling a visit automatically initiates PsychScan when appropriate and all results are automatically returned and treated like any other lab data and reports.

Interface with your EMR typically is done using HL7 messaging and will require your IT and EMR interface teams to get involved. We recommend starting with Tier 1 or Tier 2 implementations to establish the clinical value and workflow specifics when using Psychscan in your setting. Let us know if you would like to explore further and build a plan.

Explore further and build a plan